25 Random Things

Okay, so I’m being completely lazy here. But since I posted this on my Facebook page, I might as well do this here too.


I’m not too big on these things, but I would like to know more about my friends so if you have time, fill this out and at least tag me so I can learn more about you. 🙂

25 Random Things to Share

Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people (yeah, right!!) to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.


Alrighty then … here goes:

  1. I’m a big procrastinator. As I recently commented on a friend’s Facebook status, I put the “crass” in procrastinate.
  2. I could sleep ten hours a day if given the opportunity. It’s not for wanting to, or for being lazy … I just constantly feel like I never get that “good night’s sleep.”
  3. I never thought I’d marry a person from the same culture that I grew up in. But yet I did … and I hold that over my Mom whenever she brings up what a “horrible kid I was.” My response always is … “well, at least I married a Filipino!”
  4. Speaking of Hubby … he was my first date ever. We went to the Homecoming Dance at each other’s high school when I was sixteen. But we didn’t start dating until after I graduated from high school.
  5. Hubby is my absolute best friend in the entire world. People may think it’s strange that I want to spend every moment of my life with him, but it’s the honest to God’s truth.
  6. I always thought I wouldn’t marry until I was in my late 20’s and have my first child before I was 30. Instead, I got married at 24 and, to this date, still don’t have any children. But trust me … it’s not for lack of trying.
  7. I used to think that if you set your mind to a specific goal and worked hard at it, you’d always achieve that goal. But now I’m smart enough to know that’s not always true. Going through infertility treatments has taught me that.
  8. And because of #7, infertility has knocked down my self-confidence and self-esteem. While they’re not completely gone from my life, they’re certainly not as prominent as they were in college or those first two post-college years. Okay, enough sad things …
  9. In high school, I was voted “Class New Waver.” Yes, I grew up in the 80’s. And listened to a lot of Depeche Mode. And New Order. And Smiths. And the list can go on and on. But I still think New Wave and Goth music can put some of these Emo bands to shame …
  10. Being who I was “labeled” in high school … it’s actually quite funny that I’ve always had this secret wish to be either a cheerleader or on the dance team. (Yes, I can hear y’all groaning now.) But I think it’s more because I wanted to break out of the Asian “nose-always-in-books” mold and be more “American.”
  11. Speaking of my “Asian”-ness … I’ve pretty much gotten mistaken for every Asian nationality out there … including Indian, Pakistani, and Sri Lankan. I’ve also gotten mistaken for American Indian and Guatemalen. Oh, and once someone mistook me for an Eskimo.
  12. I’ve always wanted to be a writer or a journalist. Except the Filipino side of me keeps telling me that I could never make a living out of it. (Grrr … I wish my parents’ voice would stop infiltrating my brain!)
  13. Which is why I like to keep a blog: http://apronstringsemily.com/
  14. And why I like to keep advertising it. (Tee hee … there’s two things “wasted!)
  15. In my immediate family, I’m the one that’s the sports nut. You’d think it would be my older brother … but I’m the one who watches the most hockey and basketball and football.
  16. I’d blame my husband for my love of sports, but it truly started in grade school after catching my first Red Wings game at a school outing.
  17. I met my oldest friend (although we hardly keep in contact anymore) in kindergarten. I still have a picture of us dressed up with paper bunny ears and a painted bunny nose for Easter.
  18. My closest friends are those that I don’t even see that often … Thank God for Facebook and the internet.
  19. And speaking of Facebook … I’ve managed to keep in touch with lots of my cousins this way. And I’ve managed to get in contact with quite a few high school and even grade school friends!
  20. So … my hope is to continue to keep these friendships going. After all … it seems like the older I get, the harder it is to make new friends.
    (Seriously? I’ve gotta come up with five more?! Okay … I’ll scrounge.)
  21. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout up until 6th grade. And I can’t believe that GS cookes now cost four bucks a box. Sheesh … they sold for under a dollar when I sold them.
  22. When I was little, I wished that I could have a more “common” name like “Jenny” or “Elizabeth” because all my friends were named that. Now I wish my name wasn’t the most popular name out there.
  23. I’m predominantly right-handed … but there are certain things I do with my left hand. Like brush my teeth. And knit.
  24. Yes, that’s right. I knit. I’ve only done bags, scarves and hats and baby stuff. Maybe even a sweater or two. But it’s something that I find rather comforting.
    (And finally … )
  25. I suck at multi-tasking. Which is probably why I’m really good at procrastinating.


Whew … that’s the list. If you’ve stuck around to read all of this, I applaud you.

And no … I’m not tagging anyone. I just thought this would be a fun thing to share with everyone …

6 Replies to “25 Random Things”

  1. I used to think that having what I wanted was simply a matter of wanting and working hard for it. Sucked big time to find out that sometimes even that wasn’t enough.


    I think that was one of the hardest things for me to accept in this IF journey of mine. Because of that thinking, I would think that I just wasn’t trying hard enough or that I was simply a failure. And while logically, I know that isn’t true … I *still* hear those thoughts in my head.

    Hmm … maybe you and I should become slackers and live on “just squeaking by.” Perhaps then our luck would change?


  2. LOLOL….it was fun reading about you. I have been pretty quiet lately and I am yet to catch upon your back posts, but I surely will.

    And girl I am you in point number 2. Absolutely same!


    I’m telling you … if I could “just relax” …. maybe I’ll be able to get some sleep *AND* get knocked up! LOL!


  3. I’m totally with you on 5 and 9: Some good ol’ Sisters of Mercy kicks any emo band wimpies to the curb. And my hubby is also my best friend. I’d rather hang with him than anyone else.


    And suddenly I’ve got “This Corrosion” in my head … LOL!

    BTW … I still wanna hear more of *your* stories!!


  4. I love knowing these things about you!

    I wish you lived here — I mean, for your sake, I’m glad you aren’t freezing your ass off, but we’d have fun!




    Awr, Pam … We’d be like the biggest trouble-makers if put in the same room!!

    So … when are we meeting up?! 😉


  5. 7&8 – I hear ya!!

    And 12.. half me, half hubby. haha. Except for hubby, insert artist instead of writer. He’s gone and done it though!


    OMG … that’s my Hubby, too! He was supposed to go for pre-med, convinced his parents he’d go into medical illustration, and now … well, let’s just say he broke out of the Filipino health care worker stereotype!!


  6. Heh. I spend ridiculous amounts of time with my husband, too, and people don’t get it. I felt silly when explaining to a friend that I couldn’t run this race with her because it was in another city and I already had travel plans for the weekend prior to the race… and she’s, like, UH, SO? And I had to sheepishly explain that I can’t be away from H for that long.

    Yay for New Wavers!

    And I am right handed, but everything I’ve learned to do as an adult, I do with my left, like dealing cards. And I knit with my right hand, but I knit backwards, because it allows my left hand to be the most dominant (basically, I make the stitches backwards- hard to explain, I guess… not left handed, but not right, either.).

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