In years past, Mother’s Day would have been a difficult day. Yesterday was less difficult than the previous years; less traumatic.
I contribute it to the fact that Hubby & I weren’t physically “in town” to celebrate Mother’s Day with our respective Moms and his sister. Not that I didn’t like going out, typically for brunch, every second Sunday in May … it’s just that the day has always been a painful reminder of what I’ve never achieved in life.
I mean seriously; even at Mass. Any Catholic Church I had ever gone to on Mother’s Day always always always have all the mothers and pregnant woman stand up before the closing prayer to pray over them. And every year, I would glance around the church to see which women remained seated like me.
Don’t get me wrong … such a prayer is much deserved for all the under-appreciated hard work and unconditional love that a Mom provides to their children. But for every year that I was not “included” in these prayers, the less I felt “connected” to those women who would stand proudly as they received these blessing. The less I felt as if I were a part of that “sisterhood.”

The less I felt blessed amongst other women.
This year, Hubby & I spent Mother’s Day in Chicago; opting to call both sets of Moms and wish them the Happiest of Mother’s Days. And afterward, settled down on our couch to watch a marathon of movies on TV, starting with “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”** and ending with “Sweet Home Alabama.”
And this year, instead of getting all weepy over the twenty zillion Mother’s Day commercials that ran during the TV breaks, Hubby & I would have fun poking at the sometimes fake sentiment that these ads would portray.
This year, as Hubby & I sat on our couch, feeling completely unmotivated to do much but cook meals and take our puppy-girl on an extended walk to the beach, I felt completely blessed .
Because although I remain separated from the ever-elusive “Mommy” Sisterhood … I know I’m blessed with an incredible Husband and parents/siblings, as well as 3 four-legged creatures that look to me as their Mom.
So yeah … that’s my small victory for the day. I turned my Mother’s Day Frown upside down. (Pretty positive for a currently unemployed person, eh?)

** LOVE that film. And check out what star, Nia Vardalos, says about her experiences as an infertile on Mother’s Day.
Yay! So happy you had a pretty good day yesterday! And BTW, thanks for your advice on my blog! I promise I will walk more! 🙂 Just in smaller doses I think!
Loved the picture of you with your furbabies! Seeing you cuddled up with them makes me miss mine even more! I wont get back to see them until Saturday…sniff, sniff!
That sounds like the perfect non-Mother’s day! Mine was pretty relaxing and uneventful, too. Just how I prefer to celebrate a holiday I don’t particularly care for!
So glad you had a great day!
I saw that article by Nia V. earlier. I LOVED MBFGW. She is from my home province of Manitoba! : )
Thanks for the advice, Em. My counselor says the same thing to me about breathing. I did remember to take slow breaths yestereday. I so wish I would have been able to do what you and your hubs did yesterday. But being the only child/daughter of a single mother…there is no way that would have happened.
We had a great morning together. We went out to breakfast, just the two of us. It was perfect.
Glad you had a good day.
So glad you had an enjoyable Mother’s Day this year. You are a fabulous furbaby mama! Those animals are very lucky to have you as their mama.