Well, I think I’ve finally turned the corner on this whole cold/congestion thingy. I’m not as wiped out as I was before, and my taste buds are finally turning back to normal.
Except now I think I may have passed it on to Hubby. Boo.
I’ve nothing exciting to talk about, other than it’s been over a month now that I’ve been unemployed. I’ve got a few interviews set up for mid-June that look promising. Plus I had a second interview for that other job I’m really interested. So at this time, there’s nothing to do but apply for more jobs and wait.

I’m in a little bit of a dry-spell creatively right now. I’m not sure if it has to do with the overall funk I’ve been in lately, or if all the snot hasn’t cleared out of my brains yet. Either way, I’ve found nothing that has struck me inspirationally (is that even a word?).
When I get in these moods, I find that I end up either a) wanting to read a fluffy, no heavy-stuff type of book, b) mindlessly knitting a project that I probably will never end up finishing, or c) watching a lot of television.
This time around I’ve opted for “C.” At first it was because it was May “sweeps” with tons of season finales; but now that it’s officially June, I suppose I have no excuse.
One day was an entire day of watching Amazing Wedding Cakes. Another day was Cake Boss. (And it’s no wonder I’ve been craving cake since then … )
I should add a disclaimer here: Lest you be worried about me doing nothing else but watching TV, just know that I haven’t. In fact, most days the television doesn’t get turned on until 6 pm or later. Give me a little credit here, peeps! During the day, I am looking for employment!
Anyhoo … it seems of late, that there has been a running theme in what I’ve been watching. Or rather … themes , since one of those themes has to do with medicinal marijuana and how to get “licensed” in growing and selling such a product. But that’s not the theme that seems to be most prominent.
Lately, every show I’ve watched has touched on the topic about being happy with the job or career that one or another TV character has chosen. In each case, every character had either talked about doing something they’re more passionate about or spoke to someone else about how they previously had a job that didn’t satisfy them until they went into the career that they were in now.
I can’t help wonder if these TV shows are talking directly to me. Or, in the unemployment state that I’m in right now, I’m just more sensitive towards that topic. Either way, it has me questioning what I’d be happiest doing with my life; especially since the proverbial door is wide open right now.

Except now there’s the worry of money. And health benefits. And food and shelter. And all the other necessities in life.
Oh, and let’s not forget I have no idea what I’d be happiest doing in my life. Other than lounging on a beach in Hawaii.
Hmmph. When did I start to become so responsible?
In any case, I’m hoping that I snap out of this creative funk soon. Maybe embracing my inner geek at WordCamp Chicago will help … well, it’ll help me jazz up my WordPress-powered blog, anyway. At least I hope it will.
What about you, peeps? What do you do when you get in a creative funk? And more importantly, what do you do to get out of a creative funk?
So many things have happened since I’ve been away — but I’m back now and have to catch up — I can’t quite get blogger to add you to my reader but I’ll figure it out!
Creative funks are my specialty — it’s what I do, frankly :). You know I just keep plugging away — day by day, word by word.
There’s a great book by a writing teacher from Montana — Richard Hugo — he wrote a book called “Triggering Town” — and it was all about what triggered his own writing — we have our own obsessions, the things we circle around –that keep us up at night — and we come back to those — that’s what I do — tell the same story of my family in different ways — my mother — the break-up with my first boyfriend, the ‘moment in my life after which nothing was the same’ —
things I love, places I love — the things that scare me. Sometimes it’s taking the leap of vulnerability that’s hardest of all.
BTW — have you been watching the Stanley Cup? Are you pulling for Chicago now?
I’m really sorry to hear about your recent change in circumstance — and I know personally that cable is a good cure-all — I’m the one after all who watched all of Rome, Six Feet Under, The Starter Wife (on hulu), The Tudors, The Sopranos, The L Word, Weeds, Californication, John of Cincinatti (0r whatever that show that was on for like two seconds), Tell Me You Love Me, the therapist show with Gabriel Byrne, The Wire (all four seasons more than once) …and more…on and on…and it serves me well still…
Hey, shoot me your address when you get a chance — I’d like to send you Ixchel — I’m notoriously bad on follow through — I have parcels waiting for literally over a year now — I hope not to be so bad on this one.