This afternoon, I got to spend some quality time with all of my in-laws … and particularly my nephew and niece.You see, the real reason we came to Detroit this weekend was to celebrate our nephew’s 14th birthday (which is actually next Friday, but he’ll be at his dad’s).
Fourteen! Where the h*ll has the time gone? It seems like just last year that I was still working as a staff nurse at the hospital where he was born. Where I was the lucky person who got to change his first stinky diaper. And it feels like only a year ago when we put this cute little baby in a stock pot and gave him a wooden spoon to bang on the pot.

I swear it was just last week when Hubby & I were in Florida with him, watching his fascination of Spiderman grow when we visited Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. And only a week since he finally “outgrew” his favorite “Froggy.”
Now he’s taller than me and has facial hair … And his voice has suddenly grown deeper!
All this … and he starts high school next year!!

It’s only a matter of time that his interest in hanging out with his Auntie Em and Uncle will wane; where he’ll want to spend more time with his friends than with his family. And only a few years until he starts Driver’s Training (yikes!).
But for now … well, I’ll enjoy seeing the excitement he has whenever we walk into the room; especially after not seeing each other for a period of time. And I’ll I’ll treasure every moment he wants to spend with us; every kiss and hug and cuddle he wants to give us … because I know it’ll only be a matter of time when it won’t be “cool” to do that anymore.
Happy (Early) Birthday, dear nephew of mine!

Daily Gratitude: Today’s is obvious. I’m thankful for the love and affection that our nephew has for us.
Daily Good Deed: Strange, but I find it harder to do a Random Daily Good Deed when here in Metro Detroit. Maybe it’s because we’re pretty much isolated from being in our car driving from destination to destination rather than walking around outside in the city. I suppose the only good deed I can truly think that I’ve done was to pick up a random baby toy that I found on the floor of the local Barnes & Noble and return it to the father with the baby stroller that was a few aisle down from where I was.
Okay that’s it for today … erm, rather early in the morning on Sunday. But you guys don’t need to know that I’m backing up the date to late Saturday night, do you?!