It’s Labor Day. Where did the summer go?
No … Seriously, people. Where did it go?
Tomorrow all the kiddos in Detroit and its surrounding suburbs will officially all be back in school. Which always prompts me to question … why didn’t I go into a career that allowed me to always have summers off?
I’m not ready for autumn … which, if today’s weather in Metro-Detroit is any indication (high of 64 degrees), means that I’m definitely not ready for the cooler climate. And, seeing that autumn has always been my favorite season is absolutely pitiful.
Maybe I need to re-think this whole “favorite season” deal.

After all, Hubby & I did survive the sweltering high-90 degree weather with 100% humidity of Orlando. Like we did the previous two days here in Detroit, which were just as hot and humid. All I need is a beach nearby with some nice soothing waves … and I’d be golden.
Okay, maybe not so much “golden” but more “bronze.” After all, I tan nice and brown … like most of us Filipinos do. But you get the point.
Yet seeing that Hubby & I live in the Midwest with (unfortunately) no plans to move to a warmer climate in the immediate future, I suppose I need to embrace what I’ve got in front of me.
So with that said, here’s my list of things I look forward to doing with Hubby this fall:
- Leaves changing brilliant hues of red and orange
- Freshly-made Apple Cider and warm doughnuts
- Haunted Houses and Hayrides
- A resurgence in my need to knit and crochet
- College Football – GO BLUE!
How about you, oh Internets? What’s your plans for Fall?
I look forward to the crisp weather of autumn as well, but it won’t come until near the end of October (last year, the first day of fall was 102, no humidity). I would love to see the leaves change to the brilliant colours of red and orange, but that doesn’t usually happen until December. Thanksgiving (mostly for the food).
Not sure… my mom may be coming to visit around (Canadian) Thanksgiving. Even if she doesn’t come, we may take some time off then to enjoy the fall colours. I’m with you, this summer has gone by way too fast. :p
Hey Em – long time no talk! Honestly I’m ready for fall. I am not a hot weather fan when it is sweltering. I’m with you on your list of fall-fun!! Now that I am a resident of Illinois (not on my driver’s license, but here physically), I’m looking forward to seeing the fall colors here or in Wisconsin. There is a pony farm/zoo down the road from us and I’m hoping they’ll have the cider/donut thing going soon. We’ll be back in MI often this fall for UM football, so hope to see you at a tailgate in A2. The other thing I’m looking forward to is wearing my fall fashion! I love my fallish clothes in various shades of brown, camel, rust and green! I hope to see you again someday Em…in person!