Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Eighteen

The sports nut in me was in full swing today. That’s because we were downtown Detroit today at Ford Field watching our beloved Lions take on the Green Bay Packers. And although we lost the game, it was a good game to watch.

Hubby & I are lucky to live in a sports town, being the sports fans we are. We’ve got great college football and basketball teams to follow (although I will always be a True Blue Michigan Wolverine). And we’ve got great professional sports teams to root for.

So today, I’m thankful that we’ve gotten the opportunity to watch many of our beloved sports teams live in action.

Now, if we can only do something about the NHL lockout …

Thirty Day of Thanks, Day Seventeen

You know what I like? Going to the movies. So today Hubby & I took the afternoon off to catch a film.

Originally, we were supposed to see Lincoln, but was surprised to find out it was all sold out. So instead, we went to see Breaking Dawn. 

Yes, I know … but what can I say? I enjoyed reading the Twilight books, so I had to see the movies. And since this was the last movie of the series, I just had to wrap it up. That, and see Taylor Lautner’s abs for one last time.

But I digress.

What I’m thankful for today is that Hubby & I get the opportunity to watch movies when we want to. That’s one thing I know that most families with kids can’t typically do on a whim.

Guess that’s another bonus for living child-free.

Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Sixteen

Kairi loves Nerds … just like Auntie Em

This evening was spent at my MIL’s house awaiting the arrival of some relatives from out of town that unfortunately never made it. But regardless we had fun with Kairi, who is now a sassy-sassafrass four-year old.

I KNOW! Where did the time go? She was just a baby when we had left for Chicago … you know, back when I was in the midst of my infertility identity crisis? (“If I can’t bear children, then what am I?”)

And now she’s four and an absolute ham. I can’t imagine not having her in my life anymore.

Tonight, we laughed and danced and teased one another and it couldn’t have been a more enjoyable evening. So tonight, I am thankful that despite all that has happened in my life, I can still enjoy being “Auntie Em.”


Thirty Day of Thanks, Day Fifteen

I love watching TV. Except there’s too many good shows out there to watch TV 24/7. Especially since I don’t have the time to watch TV 24/7.

That’s why I’m grateful for having a DVR so I can watch the shows when I have the time. But more importantly, I’m grateful for being able to spend the time with Hubby so we can watch the shows we love together.