(5 of) 10 Good (?) Reasons …

… For Disappearing from Cyberspace

WTF?! I simply cannot believe it’s already New Years Eve. I mean seriously … where has all the time gone? It seems literally like yesterday that I was finishing up on the November Nablopomo. But here it is, 31 days later and I’m still scrambling to deal with last minute end-of-the-year things.

Anyway, now that I’ve managed to have a slight breather in between holidays, I thought I might catch y’all up with what I’ve been up to. What, frankly … has made this past month go by in a blur. And what has prevented me from being able to sit down long enough to read and respond to my other bloggie friends’ blogs.

Except, that there’s so much that I didn’t get to blog about over the past month that I need to break it down into two parts. So without further ado … here’s part of “The List.”

1. Lost and subsequently found our Kozzy-girl.

As you guys have probably been wondering … (thanks for your wonderful thoughts and prayers, BTW) the Sts. Francis and Anthony came through yesterday afternoon. I would have posted sooner, but as it was … my mind was already on the fritz.

Like my poster?
Like my poster?

After I posted yesterday, I ended up heading to the local office supply store and printing up a bunch of flyers made from my handy dandy lappie. And then I started handing them out to anyone I saw on the drive back to my house (all while randomly calling Kozzy’s name out to see if perhaps she’d respond). Well, so my next step was to go down our street to each of our neighbors and pass out the flyers. I got no further than four doors down when our neighbor told me that two women came down the street about an hour ago (probably when I was out making the d*mn flyers!) with a dog that look just like my picture asking him if he recognized this dog. He also said that they were planning on taking her to the local animal shelter if they couldn’t find the owner. So … after thanking our neighbor profusely, I set out to call our city animal shelter only to be told that there was no such dog matching her description there. However, the person I talked to told me to drop off a picture of her and she’d keep an eye out for my Kozzy. I had already planned on making the rounds of all the local shelters (including theirs), so there wasn’t more I could do until then.

Not more than an hour later, I get a phone call. From our city animal shelter. Apparently Kozzy WAS there earlier, but since they had just stepped in the door when I called earlier … they weren’t aware that this was the dog I was inquiring about. So I rushed over there and picked up our sweetie-girl. Who acted as if absolutely nothing had gone on. I told you she wasn’t the smartest dog. But … we love her to bits.

2. Got fingerprinted at local police office.

No … I did not get arrested and booked for breaking the law. Even though I know some people that may wish to see me locked up … the real reason my fingertips got slathered with black ink was so that I could officially submit my application for an RN license in another state. Oh yay! Now I can be added to a national database so that perhaps Gris.som on CSI can rule me out as a suspect on a homicide case.

3. Made an effort to exterminate a “rodent” problem.

Somehow methinks this statement might indicate that we have … ahem … unwanted “guests” in our house. Nope. That’s not the case. Actually, the particular “rodent” I’m talking about is myself. As in Emily, the Pack Rat. Let’s just say that between the two of us, Hubby and I have filled up eight extra-large garbage bags of stuff to donate to the local Sal. Army … and that’s just the beginning! I’m hoping by the time I’m finished, I’d have cleaned out at least 12 years of junk collected since moving into our house.

Sample Bit from our Lego Poster
Sample Bit from our Lego Poster

4. Became an Assistant Lego Designer.

Pretty funny, considering the recent post I had about Hubby’s cousin loving his Legos. But no … the “Head Lego Designer” in this situation was Hubby. He was asked by his local Ad Club to design a poster for their upcoming Addy Awards and his idea was to create one made up completely of Lego pieces. It took us a few evenings in a row (not to mention multiple boxes of Legos), but we ended up completing one design. I think we could have come up with more designs, but we were limited in time AND in Lego pieces. Maybe we should have asked Hubby’s 8-year old cousin to help us out?

5. Remembered why I became a “skirt nurse.”

In the midst of Hubby & I working on this Lego poster, Hubby got sick. With the Flu. But not just the fever-and-chills kinda flu. We’re talking the stomach flu. The kind of flu that requires a bucket or bowl at the side of the bed. The same one that usually requires another person getting a cool washcloth for the sick person in question. And the one where the non-sick person ends up being the one to empty said bowl-slash-bucket in the kitchen sink. (Okay, let me clarify that. This typically only happens when the sick person is either a husband or a child … and rarely when the sick person is the wife or mom.)

In any case … being the “non-sick” person in this scenario reminds me of one of the things I absolutely hated about being a staff nurse on a hospital unit. Not that I didn’t enjoy taking care of the sick … but if there was one thing I hated more than any other nursing task, it would be cleaning up after someone has “tossed their cookies.” Weird, considering I can deal with (and rather enjoy seeing) “ickier” things. Like open gaping gut wounds. Why something as “natural” as any one person puking reaffirms my need to no longer “work the floors” is definitely beyond me.

And the kicker? Let’s just say that three days later, the bug decided to hit me, too. And just like I hate dealing with someone else’s upchuck … I hate dealing with my own. Because I hate being nauseated. ‘Nuff said.

So that’s the end of Part One. Stay tuned for Part Two … which should hopefully be out tomorrow. Maybe.

If not … here’s to wishing every single one of you a Happy New Years!!

Mmmm …. Stop.

With my feet in the air and my head on the ground …

Yes. That’s it. I’ve finally cracked.

Without going into complete detail just yet (and yes, I will expound on this at a later date), I have completely lost my mind.

And it’s because this morning, I have not only lost that brain of mine, but I lost my dog!!! To put it lightly, I’m totally freaking out right about now.

So if any of you have any pull with St. Anthony or St. Francis … please please please ask them to deliver my Kozzy back to Hubby and me safe and sound. She may not be the smartest dog in the world, but she’s our lovable, affable, silly Kozzy-Bear …

Our Lovable "Kozzy-Bear"
Our Lovable "Kozzy-Bear"

Show and Tell: Little Piggies

showandtellI decided to post my Show and Tell post today instead of tomorrow; mainly because I knew that I’d be seriously busy this weekend. We’re in Chicago again this weekend, which means yet another week of not having done laundry.

Yeah, I know. I suck. I just haven’t been feeling so hot lately. Tired, really. But I digress. Getting back to Show and Tell …

Since this past weekend was the “Stuff your face” type of holiday, where it’s expected that you eat tons of food, I thought I’d share with you a picture of the pigs I had as pets growing up. Ha ha … get it? Pigs?! (Okay I’m trying not to be lame …)

Except they’re not those kind of pigs. They were the guinea pig variety. And they were so adorable!!

Meet Flaffy and Fluffy. The short-haired American Guinea pigs that Dr. Bro and I got when we were about 8 and 10 years old.

Flaffy and Fluffy
By the way ... that's ME in the pink sleeper PJ's. And YES, they have footies!

You see, Flaffy and Fluffy were the family pets that were supposed to take the place of the dog that Dr. Bro and I always wanted. We were constantly reminded by our Dad that he was allergic to dogs, so we could never have one.

Flaffy, the predominantly white one, was mine. While Fluffy, the brown one was Dr. Bro’s. And yes, they were as cute as they look in the picture. And amazingly very cuddly, too. They loved to just sit on our laps, while munching on some fresh lettuce.

Sadly, Flaffy and Fluffy met an untimely death about two years later. A story that I’ll probably share in another post. Let’s just say that shortly after their passing and subsequent funeral in our backyard, our family dog, Muffin came into our lives.

So that’s my Show and Tell story for the week. Make sure you check out all the other Show and Tell blogs here!

Fleas On My Dog

No … there are no fleas on my puppy-girl, Kozzy. Actually, this is the way that my co-worker sings the Christmas carol, “Feliz Navidad.”

“Ah … now I get it,” I can hear y’all chuckling. But what does this Christmas carol have to do about Thanksgiving … other than the fact that today (or tomorrow, how ever you want to look at it) is the “official start” of the Holiday season?

Well, funny you should ask. Last year at this time Hubby & I, along with my parents, were on a Caribbean Cruise. One of the days was spent in Cozumel, Mexico where, as we stepped off the “boat” all I could hear throughout the plaza was that Christmas carol. And just the thought of hearing a Mexican Christmas Carol while in Mexico … it just had me in hysterics.


It’s about 8:00 am on Thanksgiving morning. Hubby’s getting some much needed sleep in the bedroom while I’m on the couch typing away on my lappie. I’m still getting these horrible coughing fits, but for the most part I’m feeling much better. Although, I have this feeling I’ll be losing my voice by the end of the day today. Damn sore throat.

Plans for today include lunch with my parents after the traditional Filipino Thanksgiving Mass. My parents asked us if we were going to attend; in which I promptly said that this morning was the only opportunity for us to unwind before another busy weekend. Which, in a sense, is the plain truth. But I also just honestly don’t feel like having to deal with the inevitable social conversations that involve Filipino acquaintances commenting on our child-less status. Seriously, there’s only so much of this an infertile can take … even if it’s been more than ten years! But seriously, it should be a nice sit-down lunch with my parents at the local Italian restaurant.

What?! Did you just say restaurant?!

Mmhmm. Yes. Emily, with or without the apron strings, is not exactly that great of a cook. And quite frankly, while I can do a turkey dinner, it just doesn’t seem to make much sense to do so when it’s only going to be the four of us. Oh, I suppose I could invite Hubby’s family and the other members of my side of the family … but then that would mean 20+ people in our home which, at most is only comfortable to fit five around the table. So yes … turkey lunch at a restaurant with my parents.

But don’t you worry, we’ll still have the traditional turkey fixin’s. At Hubby’s parents house. Later tonite. Where YAY! I get to see my nephew and niece. And BOO! Might not get to hold niece because of being a bad sicko.

So overall, busy day. But one that will be spent with family. After all … isn’t that what holidays are about?

Oh, and technically this is also supposed to be the day to express gratitude … so, without further ado …

Things to be extra-thankful of this year:

  1. An incredible husband who takes care of me when I’m sick (and we’re talking both physically and emotionally), and who has been my rock for the past 12 years.
  2. Loving and supportive parents who understand the reason for upcoming changes
  3. IRL friends and co-workers (not to mention bosses) that have also been supportive and excited for my upcoming change in employment
  4. Extra-wonderful pets … who have no idea what changes are store for all of us, but who are always willing to snuggle with me and give me some furbaby love
  5. An incredible online group of friends who have weathered with me during some of THE MOST difficult times in my life over the past year

    And last but certainly not least,

  6. God for giving me back a little bit of faith in this world. That somehow when one door closes … another door opens. Even though it might not be the door that you were hoping would open.

Happy Thanksgiving, Blogland!!

She's No Teenage Witch

On my first Show and Tell post, I shared with you some pictures of Yami, our charming black kitty. Our favorite indoor black kitty, who was not to be mistaken with our favorite indoor senior citizen kitty, Rain. Well, I had to make that distinction because of this little one.

Meet Sabrina, our favorite outdoor black kitty.

Except Sabrina is actually our next-door neighbors kitty who loves to hang out in the bushes in front of our house.
Hubby and I call her “Sabby” for short, because she reminds us of yet another black cat, named Sabbath. Except Sabbath is actually a fictional kitty, who is part of this cool goth chick‘s kitty posse.

But going back to Sabrina. She is the most affable black cat that I’ve ever met. I think that if a person was superstitious of a black cat crossing their path, they should stay off of our street. Because, Sabby will definitely friendly enough to try to meet you (at least if she doesn’t see you as threatening).

Sabby and I are in such good terms that if she happens to see my car turning onto our street from down the street, she will literally sprint towards our house in anticipation of me pulling into our driveway. And I know that I recently garnered much respect from her when, as I sat on our porch steps to pet her, she climbed right onto my lap and snuggled.

Her “real” owners say that she’s not like this with anyone else except her “mom” and her human “sister.” I think I’ve literally become one of her “sisters.”

But my favorite Sabby story is the time that I happened to find our neighbors dog on our lawn. I went inside to grab our dog leash to snap onto our neighbor dog’s collar. And when I came out, Sabby was sitting on our porch, making sure that doggie didn’t run off again. And as I walked down the street towards doggie’s human house, I glanced to my side and saw Sabby walking right next to me. And after neighbor doggie was dropped off, Sabby and I turned around and walked down the street side by side.

So today, on Halloween, I thought I’d share Sabby with you. She is definitely my most favorite outdoor black kitty.

Happy Halloween!!