Ugh. Hate is such a strong word. So even though I think there may be some really bad songs out there, I don’t think I can truly hate a song. Or a band. Or even any particular artist.
And yet … I can have a strong dislike for songs that are “presented” poorly (like the original version that I refer to in this post). Or I can dislike a performer that is misrepresented as an “artist.”
Uhm. Yeah … INXS is my favorite band. Ever. I’d say that it was all because of Michael Hutchence, but then explain to me why I’m still going to see them in concert at the end of July? (I. Can’t. Wait !!! )
I don’t know … there’s something about their music that makes me smile. It brings up lots of memories for me whenever I hear one of their songs.
Like whenever I hear “The One Thing,” I think of buying Star Hits magazines back in 1983 and watching that video on MTV (again, back when they actually played music videos!) with my cousin.
Or whenever I hear “What You Need” … I think of every single cheesy high school dance I had ever gone to.
“Disappear” is inherently a happy song; both in lyrics and in the music. I’m thinking that’s why, when the album “X” was released during my second year of college, it suddenly became our dorm room floor’s drinking song. Yep; that and the B-52’s “Roam.”
(What is it about reminiscing my college days lately?)
We were SO lucky to meet the band in 1986, before they blew up BIG
This, by no means, is my absolute favorite INXS song. I have waaaay too many favorite INXS songs to choose from. “Disappear” just happens to be a great song.
Besides I like this video. And I can no longer find the original “Don’t Change” video … which would otherwise have been posted for today’s song.
I love the Cocteau Twins. I remember first hearing “Carolyn’s Finger” back in the mid-80’s while watching MTV’s “120 Minutes.”
Remember that show? Back when MTV used to be all about music? Matt Pinfield was the host and that show (which technically started at 12am early Monday morning) focused on all the alternative music bands, playing videos and songs you’d never see or hear during the daytime. Or throughout the week, for that matter.
I must embrace my Detroit Techno on this day. What else can get me up and dancing than some great solid beats and bass lines?
Although “Good Life” by Inner City was known and embraced as a good old Chicago House classic, the man behind the groove is a Detroit Native. In fact, Kevin Saunderson was known as one of the “Belleville Three” … a trio of artists credited with the invention of Detroit Techno.
This song was one of those great party songs … that turned into a song that was overplayed and well-hated. I blame it on the FIFA World Cup ’98 video game that Hubby played over and over again during the summer of 1998.