Day Twenty-Eight – A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty:
Once upon a time when Emily was a young lass of twelve, her brother brought home a cassette tape by the Violent Femmes. The emerging 80’s alterative music lover (thanks in part to her older brother’s taste in music) loved the infectious songs recorded on that now-classic album.
There was one particular song that cracked 12-yr old Emily up every time she heard it. It was a song that her brother loved to play over and over again, just to get a rise out of his “baby sister.”
One fine day, while blasting out the Violent Femmes’ “Add It Up” on the stereo system, the siblings’ mother came rushing into the room. She pressed the stop button on the cassette tape player and then took it out of the stereo system. She then proceeded to throw said cassette tape down on the ground and smash it with one stomp of her heel.
From that day forward, every time Emily hears that song … she can’t help but feel just a tad guilty.
The other part of her looks back at that memory and GRINS. Because really … how smart were those two siblings to play such a song in front of their mother?
What is with this 30-day song challenge?
What was yesterday‘s song?