Oh. Em. Gee. I can’t believe it … I actually got my first badge of honor! Thanks, WiseGuy, for first of all reading my ramblings. And second, for thinking that it’s worth any type of recognition. I am so appreciative of being the recipient of such an award!
And now, hmmmm … who should I pass this on to? Wow. Way too many great bloggers out there to narrow it down. But alas, I must choose only seven of them.
So without further ado and in no particular order (goodness, I sound like I should be announcing the Oscar nominees) …
The List of Honorees:
- Kara at Becoming Parents: Even before I met her IRL, I knew she was one cool chick!
- Kate at Bee in the Bonnet: It’s so wonderful to know that I am not the only one who loves to ramble on and on …
- Io at Who Shot My Stork?: Who wouldn’t want to read a blog with that title?! This girl always makes me smile, and she just rocks!
- Pam at Blood Signs: Her writing has this way of lingering in my thoughts for days after first reading her posts.
- Christina at Apron Strings: When another person totally gets the reason behind our shared blog title … well then, she totally gets me as a person, too.
- Mrs. Spit at Mrs. Spit Spouts Off: The strength behind her words and her corresponding actions is something I admire very very much.
- LoriBeth at The Road Less Travelled: I’ve learned a lot about trying to move past my grief just from reading her blog; and for that I am grateful.
There is a catch though … Apparently, in order to fully “accept” this award, I’m supposed to answer the following questions in one word … And, if my “Seven Honorees” choose to do so, they can do the same. But at the very least, ladies … please pass the award on to others.
Anyhoo … I’ve done this meme before, but it’ll be fun to do it again. So here goes:
- Where is your cell phone? Bedside
- Where is your significant other? Asleep
- Your hair color? Black
- Your mother? Catholic
- Your father? Golf
- Your favorite thing? Laptop
- Your dream last night? None
- Your dream/goal? Happiness
- The room you’re in? Hotel
- Your hobby? Blogging
- Your fear? Failure
- Where do you want to be in six years? Happy
- Where were you last night? Shopping
- What you’re not? Fake
- One of your wish list items? Travel
- Where you grew up? Suburbia
- The last thing you did? Type
- What are you wearing? Jammies
- Your T.V.? Off
- Your pet? Home
- Your computer? Laptop
- Your mood? Sleepy
- Missing someone? Cousins
- Your car? Saturn
- Something you’re not wearing? Bra
- Favorite store? Target
- Your Summer? Short
- Love someone? Hubby
- Your favorite color? Blue
- When is the last time you laughed? Yesterday
- Last time you cried? Yesterday
And there you have it. Thanks again, WiseGuy, for the award. And everyone … don’t forget to spread the love!
Hey there! 🙂
Very sweet – just so completely sweet and can I just say how thankful I am to have your friendship.
Love ya chick!
Aw thanks. You are totally deserving and I heart your blog too.
Thanks, Emily! : ) I already did the meme a few weeks back, but I really appreciate the award & your kind words!
Aww. Thanks for the props! I heart your blog right back! I will get around to sharing this award sometime soon.
I feel so honored!