So my oldest furbaby, Rain turned 18 years old this past month. At least we think so.
Dr. Brother, future-Hubby & I found her 18 years ago this upcoming weekend after arriving back home late one night from London, Ontario. It was my grandmother’s birthday and all of the cousins made it a point to be there for her party. It was a crappy night to be driving; horrible thunder and lightning with heavy downpours all the way home. And as we pulled into the driveway, all of us were anxious to just get inside the house.
But amongst all that noisy thunder, Dr. Brother (who was still in undergrad and also home for the summer, as was I) kept hearing this sad, long howl. He was the one that said to check under the cars because it might be a cat that was hiding under the engines. He just wanted to make sure that the poor animal wouldn’t die in the morning when he went to start his car.

Yes, I know I already posted this, but it’s such a d*mn cute picture!!
So Dr. Bro, future-Hubby & I went about trying to find exactly where this pitiful meow was coming from. And as we checked under the bushes in our front yard, there lay a little grey and white furball, all shivery and shaky.
We picked her up, dried her off and placed her in a box with some soft towels. We gave her a little milk to drink and let her sleep. Unfortunately, we had to keep her in the garage that evening because Dad was still in London, and we couldn’t very well take the kitten in without asking his permission.
The next morning, we took her back inside the house and showed her to Dad. Yup … as I suspected, he couldn’t say no to the little furball.
And that’s how Rain became part of our family. At first she was my little furball sister. But as I moved into my own apartment after graduation, she packed her bags to come live with me and has been my furbaby ever since.
So Happy Birthday, Dear Rain! We’re so glad that you are still with us … even though you’ve gotten kookier in your “old age.” We love you very very much …
And now … to mark my 100th Post …
I figured we could do something fun in honor of Rain’s 18th birthday.
Unfortunately, I was not able to properly add this poll to my blog (d*mn fixed width columns!), so you’ll have to click HERE to get to it …
Have fun!!
Happy Birthday Rain baby!! You are adorable!
Happy 100th!!
happy 100th to you and happy 18th to rain!
Happy Birthday to Rain! That is such a cute picture.
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Aww! What a cuuuuute furbaby! Happy birthday, Rain!
And congrats on 100 posts! Yay!!!
congrats! i am loving your furbaby.
Emily – I’m organizing the metro Detroit bloggers get to gether. Check out my blog. So far Tracy, Sara and KC can all make June 1st. Can you? It is a Sunday we could do lunch or an early dinner.
Congratulations on 100!
And happy birthday, Rain!
(I think Rain should wear the tiara for her entire birthday week…)
Wow! Happy 18th! Now THAT’S a true celebration. I enjoyed the story of how she came to be in your life. Meant to be, meant to be.
As far as 100th post! Congrats! I think I’ve switched blog sites so often that I will never reach 100. Sigh.
she’s a cute one! so far, rain’s got the lead in the polls 🙂 ~emilie