Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Thirty

Wow. I can’t believe it’s already the 30th day. While I might not have written the most eloquent of posts, at least I accomplished the task at hand … which was to try to write daily.

I forgot how I love to write and had honestly put things aside because I’ve been too busy. Well, I’m still busy but at least I’ve made the effort to set aside time to write. I just hope I can continue the trend of writing more, because I hate to disappear for long periods of time. I hate to lose the skill. (Not that I’m the best of writers, anyway … but you get the point.)

So on this last day, I am thankful for this exercise. Not only did it force me to write daily, but it forced me to look at what I have in my life and be grateful for what I have.

Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Twenty-Nine

Boy, it’s getting colder out there. And dark. I really don’t like this time of year because it’s dark when you go into work and dark when you leave. That’s why every year I look forward to the winter equinox … the longest night of the year. That just means that we’ve turned the corner and the nights will start to get shorter and the days longer.

Of course, that date (winter equinox) is December 21st, every year. Except this year it’s 2012. You know, December 21, 2012 … the end of the Mayan calendar and supposedly “the end of the world”?  <snigger snigger>

All this means is winter is definitely around the corner. Which means, at least in the northern half of the US, snow will soon be on the ground.

Not that I don’t like snow. It’s pretty to look at and to play in. But not exactly fun to clean off your car or shovel your driveway.

Working downtown, I do see a fair share of homeless people … and I always think of how hard winters must be on them. I’m sure their situations are hard all around, but throw cold weather into the mix? I’ve gotta believe that’s just one more added stress.

That’s why today I’m grateful for a roof over my head and the warmth that a house provides to us. I realize that we may not keep it as tidy as it should be, but it’s a place that Hubby & I can call our home.


Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Twenty-Six

Well, I have to say … going back to work after a four-day weekend was tough. Lots of issues to trouble-shoot, lots of reports to go through. But as busy as it was, I’m grateful for the work. It definitely made my brain work harder… not to mention that it made the day go by faster!

So today I am thankful that I have a job.

Thirty Day of Thanks, Day Twenty-Five

I stayed up way too late last night. Which, in turn, had me waking up pretty late this morning.

Not that I did anything exciting but watch TV and do laundry last night. But that’s okay by me. I’m too old to be out past midnight these days.

In fact, that’s what I’m thankful for … being able to sleep in. I know that this is a luxury that most people don’t have.