Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Seven

Today, I am thankful that we can finally move forward in the next chapter of the United States.

It’s no secret that I’m a bleeding heart liberal. You would know that by reading some of my older posts. But I’ve always been that way, since my wayward youth.

Regardless of who you voted for yesterday, I do hope that all of us can move forward to creating a bipartisan government where we can work together instead of against one another.

Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Six

It’s Election Day here in the U.S., so I’d be remiss if I wasn’t thankful for the right to vote. No matter what political persuasion you lean towards, I hope that you do what I did first thing this morning … exercise my right to vote.

Thirty Days of Thanks, Day Three

Today, I am thankful for life.

After attending the funeral mass of our family friend today, I am grateful being alive and surrounded by people I love.

This is the second family friend that has passed away in the past few weeks. The first one was rather unexpected (but then again, when is death ever expected?) and it happened to be the mother of one of Hubby’s & my best friends.

We met up with this close friend for dinner tonight. It was good to see him post-funeral festivities and spend some time with him. He’s doing good, all things considered. And I truly hope that things continue to go well.

Hubby & I have told him to take one day at a time, which is always a good thing to do with grief. What I really wanted to tell him that there are going to be those good days and those bad days for awhile. But things will get better.

So today, I am thankful for life.