It’s been a crazy-hectic few weeks since last posting. This new career, though challenging and rewarding, has been pushing me to exhaustion.
As with any major change in life, my level of stress and anxiety has increased accordingly. But what the Type-A Registered Nurse in me needs to remember is that it’s only natural to feel this way. I just need to remember to breathe and channel my inner-Zen.
I’ve had some blog posts in draft-form for quite a while now; including my experiences as a Catholic Infertile dealing with the options of family building. Except I don’t feel that it’s polished enough to be published at the moment.
However, today I wanted to come out of my seclusion to remember my nephew, Liam. He was a fighter for the four months of his life. And even though it’s been more than three years now … there isn’t a day that goes by that he doesn’t somehow enter into my thoughts.
October 15th is recognized as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Today is a day to remember those who have suffered a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, a still birth, or the loss of an infant.
And today I remember the loss our family felt three years ago.
But today, I also remember all those friends I’ve met over the many years of blogging about my infertility journey. I remember their loss and heartaches as well.
In fact, I remember all of those who have suffered miscarriages and stillbirths on their quest to build their families.
And even though it’s not quite the same … I remember those who have gone through the heartache of a negative pregnancy test, despite knowing that a beautiful embryo (or more than one) was implanted into a warm inviting womb, with the hopes that their “embies” will continue to grow into reality.
I remember the two beautiful “would-be babies” that I welcomed into my womb, but — for some reason — weren’t meant to stick around.
I remember the one beautiful “would-be baby” that Hubby & I reluctantly let go.
So today, I ask that you take a moment to say a little prayer or send some positive karma (or whatever you’d like to provide) for those who have suffered any loss in family building.
And at 7 pm tonite — if you have a spare moment — light a candle to remember those little ones that may not have grown up to be big babies … but grew into our hearts and our souls.
There’s this episode of “How I Met Your Mother” that Hubby & I recently watched. It’s the episode in which Robin meets up with her Canadian High School boyfriend; a boy who broke her teenage heart in his van after playing a gig with his band, The Foreskins**. She confesses to her friends that the minute she set eyes on him, she suddenly felt like she was sixteen again; complete with the excitement and butterflies that a “first love” could only elicit. But not only that, Robin found herself acting exactly like she did at that age.
Marshall, in his wise ways, had developed a term for this type of behavior. He called it “Revertigo” … a phenomenon in which a person reverts back to his or her former self when around certain individuals from their past. In this episode, he uses Lily as an example; having her invite her old high school friend, Michelle, who brings out the “gangsta” in her whenever they’re together. But once separated from one another, they revert back to their normal selves.
Hubby and I could not stop laughing during the entire episode.*** It was something that we both know happens to me when I get together with my Canadian cousins. When we get together I somehow slip back into this version of myself that I can only call “The American Cousin” — all brash and outspoken with a hint of arrogance (not intentional, of course). But not only that … for some strangeinsane reason, I also find myself speaking in a Canadian accent; complete with long O’s (as in “sooorry”) and unconsciously adding “eh?” to the end of all my sentences.
Seriously. We could be in the heart of the continental U.S. and I could suddenly be mistaken for a Canadian!
The thing is, when experiencing “Revertigo,” every fiber of you begins to revert back to that place and time. All the good and the bad. All the excitement of being at the age that you were and all the insecurities you may have experienced at that time.
Proof that I was a GleeK in high school
This Saturday is my 20th High School Reunion. And while I debated for a verrrry long time about whether I’d attend, I finally decided that I would skip out on the festivities. I can say that I did it for a number of reasons. The easiest being that I didn’t feel like shelling out the money to see people I really didn’t know that well twenty years ago. Or that I only wanted to see certain people from my graduating class; ones that I’m not even sure will be in attendance.
I’ll admit that both of those reasons areindeed true; and — in my eyes — valid, as well. But the primary reason is this: I’m just not at the best place that I want to be in my life at this exact moment. I don’t (nor will I likely everhave) the children that I know most of my classmates already have. I don’t have that beautifully maintained home with a well-manicured lawn that my suburban counterparts will also likely have. And I certainly don’t have the job / degree / success in my life that I thought I’d have by this time in my life.
But I was also a HS Hottie (along with future-SIL), too!
And seeing that this past spring and summer were beyond stressful**** I’m feeling just a leeetle insecure with myself.
If the phenomenon known as “Revertigo” is true; then all those insecurities and lack of self-confidence I currently have at this point in my life will be twenty-times magnified … like everything tends to be during those “puberty years.”
Oh, I’m not naive enough to know that my classmates likely feel the same way about themselves in some capacity or another. If anything, I certainly believe that most of us, in our late-thirties, feel like we haven’t accomplished everything that we thought we would have over the last twenty years.
No, really. I simply don’t want to attend for this simple reason: I’m trying to avoid feeling andacting as if I’m in high school again. And seeing that I’ve had a few major curveballs thrown at me over the past six months, I don’t know if I’d have the strength to combat this bout of “Revertigo.”
Class of 1990
One more thing and I’ll go back to being a 38 year old Gen-X slacker … my lack of desire to attend my high school reunion, by no means indicates that I don’t want to see those people I considered close friends during my teenage years.
The way that I look at it is this: If I hadn’t already found you via Facebook (or any other means of communication) … this simply means that you don’t want to be found. And I can respect that need for privacy. And if we were meant to find our way back to one another, then we’ll find each other when the time is right.
To me, friendship is all about every day life; and there shouldn’t be a need to make a big formal deal about it.
** “There were four of us. And we didn’t wear any shirts.” At least that’s how the band name was explained. LOL!
*** Mainly because Robin’s ex-boyfriend was played by James Van der Beek of “Dawson’s Creek” fame.
**** A quick recap:
I got fired from the job I moved to Chicago for; the one that I hoped would help heal me gain some of that self-confidence that Infertility robbed me of.
I found out that Dr. Bro and Dr. SIL have finally made the decision to (successfully) procreate.
I recently started and am currently training for a new job that will take my career in a different direction.
And in the midst of job-hunting, debated on a move backto Detroit only to decide to stayin Chicago (but move to a smaller apartment); much to the chagrin of family members that wanted us to move back “home.”
Oh … and being unemployed certainly didn’t help our financial situation, either.
Oh, Facebook … why do you tease me so? You are a fickle friend who loves to simultaneously bring me closer to family and friends I haven’t seen in ages … and make me feel insanely alone. Especially when seeing “First Day of School” pics or status updates from everyone.
Okay, so I exaggerate a bit. What can I say? I was in the Drama Club in high school.
And truth be told, I love seeing all the cute pictures of the kids; especially as I get to see how much bigger and older they’ve gotten since the last pictures of them were posted.
But yet, there’s the little part of me that feels those tiny daggers stabbing away at my core. The sad thing is … well, I’m not quite sure if my “core” is my barren uterus. Or my heart.
Bit by bit, those daggers are disappearing from my heart … and I’m feeling less envious of those family & friends who have become parents. Rather, I’m beginning to be more accepting of where I am in my life and which path my life is taking me.
What an enormous leap from where I was two years ago, eh?
Anyway, I figured since most people are posting pics of their kids on this first day of school, I should post some of mine. Well, my furbabies anyway!
Fourteen years ago, I gave my heart over to you completely. Which makes no sense, because I’m sure you won my heart over the first moment I climbed into that canoe with you on your sixteenth birthday. Of course, I refused to listen to my heart that day and kept you at arm’s length for two years after that fateful moment.
But once I took that leap of faith (and kissed you first), I knew that you’d be the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Fourteen years ago today, we sealed our love with our marriage vows … and despite the ups and downs in life we’ve had, I wouldn’t trade any moment of it. I would hold your hand and take every leap of faith with you, over and over again.
Happy Anniversary, Hubby!
Love Moves in Mysterious Ways
(music and lyrics by Julia Fordham)
Who’d have thought this is how the pieces fit?
You and I shouldn’t even try making sense of it
I forgot how we ever came this far
I believe we had reasons but I don’t know what they are
So blame it on my heart, oh
Love moves in mysterious ways
It’s always so surprising when love appears over the horizon
I’ll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it’s a mystery of how you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
Heaven knows love is just a chance we take
We make plans but then love demands a leap of faith
So hold me close and never let me go
‘Cause even though we think we know which way the river flows
That’s not the way love goes, no
Love moves in mysterious ways
It’s always so surprising when love appears over the horizon
I’ll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it’s a mystery of how you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
Like the ticking of the clock two hearts beat as one
But I’ll never understand the ways it’s done
Love moves in mysterious ways
It’s always so surprising when love appears over the horizon
I’ll love you for the rest of my days
But still, it’s a mystery of how you ever came to me
Which only proves
Love moves in mysterious ways
I can’t believe it’s already the last few days of August. Where has the time gone?
All I know is that Hubby & I have been busy non-stop since returning to the “Flat Fields” of the Midwest.** We returned to Chi-town (via Detroit after Seattle) on Thursday and have pretty much been packing up our apartment since then.
Yes, I know. We should have been packed for our move to our new apartment before leaving for our Alaskan Adventure … but if you recall from this post, exactly where we were going to live was still up in the air right up until just before we left for Alaska.
And then there’s the whole matter of me flying out to North Carolina today … which also happens to be the only day in which we’d be able to pick up the keys to our new place.
Yes … the trip to North Carolina in which I’ll be attending my New Employee orientation for my new job. For an entire week. The same week in which we’d need to hand in the keys to our old apartment by Tuesday night.
So if you haven’t figured it out by now … this means that:
Hubby and I had less than three days to pack up our old place,
Hubby & I only have three days to move all our crap stuff into our new place, and
I wasn’t going to be around to help move all our crap stuff.
Uh-huh. That’s right. I’ve totally bailed on Hubby. And believe me … I feel absolutely horrible about it.***
What’s worse is that Tuesday is our 14th Wedding Anniversary … and we won’t even be in the same state! This will be the first time we’ll have been apart during any type of special day. Boo.
And tomorrow … well, tomorrow I start my new job. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I guess the only thing I can do is go into it with my head held high … and pray for the best.
Despite all the “brick walls” we’ve been encountering lately, I must admit that I’m excited with all these new changes: nicer (yet smaller) and more affordtable apartment, and a new career direction.
I just wish the timing of it all didn’t suck.
** Ugh … totally sucks not seeing mountains in the background anymore. We so miss Seattle right about now!
*** Thank you (from the bottom of my heart) to my In-Laws, who are currently in Chicago helping Hubby out!!