Okay, so I’m going out on a limb here. Seeing that I have now consistently written just about every day (sans a day here and there) for the past three weeks, I’ve decided to make another attempt at posting more consistently.
I may live to regret this, but I think I’m going to attempt NaBloPoMo. I personally blame Becky from Mommy Wants Vodka (just kidding, Becky … ) for inspiring me to do this. She’s doing it, so I decided to try it too. Of course, she’s also more a consistent poster than I am, so we’ll see how well I do.
So what to talk about today (which, I guess is technically Day 3)? Perhaps how I should have been wearing this t-shirt today at work? Hmm, for those of you that questioned who I was planning on voting for from this post … I guess you probably can figure it out now. Well, at least I still have tomorrow to wear that shirt. Wonder what the Exit-Poll people would do if they approached me.
Or I could talk about how I need to remember not to schedule my dental cleaning four days after Halloween again. What. Was. I. Thinking?! Seriously … I’m a little afraid for my poor hygienist, who might be finding some “Bit O’Honey” or bite-size “Snickers” bits in the back. Poor, poor girl.
Or I could talk about how this evening I watched “Duran Duran: Live from Wembley“on VH1 Classic Concerts. (And yes, Kara … was totally thinking of you.) It made me regret not going to see them in concert for that tour. Because, is it me? Or did Simon Le Bon’s voice get better and stronger with age? Or did technology advance that much since watching the “Arena” concert?
Oh, I know. I’ll talk about how easy it is to get suckered into taking stupid online quizzes. I must confess, that one time ( … at band camp … ) I must have spent an evening just taking quizzes. For me, it usually starts off by reading about someone else’s quiz.
In this case, it was another friend‘s blog who took a quiz on what she should be when she grows up. Of course then I wanted to find out for myself (because I still haven’t figured it out … ). And once I finished that quiz, I saw another one I wanted to take. And another one. And yet another one. I swear … I must have taken about 5 of them. But this one was the one that made me stop:
I mean, seriously? “Pretty, but soon dead”?! Kinda a little freaky, don’t you think? And to think, that Fall is my absolute favorite season. Hmm … I might need to rethink that.
Okay, babbling enough. Guess I need to save some of this babble and spread it out over the next month …
Do you remember the band Oasis? If you do, then you’d remember that the band comprised of two brothers named Liam and Noel Gallagher. I don’t listen to them as much anymore, but back in the mid-1990’s the songs off their album, (What’s the Story) Morning Glory, played a prominent part in the day’s following my 1996 wedding to Hubby. To this day hearing these songs, particularly “Don’t Look Back In Anger, remind me of driving in our convertible rental car (with the top down, of course) back to our hotel in Kaanapali from Lahaina on the island of Maui. That song just happened to be playing on the radio as we drove up the coastline while watching the sun set on the ocean. It. Was. Heaven on Earth.
But I digress. This post wasn’t to share that memory (although, I hope you enjoyed that imagery). This post is about another mid-1990’s pop-culture icon. A person, who might be related to the brothers from Oasis.
Mary Katherine Gallagher
Oh yes, I’m talking about Mary Katherine Gallagher. Remember her from SNL in the mid-nineties?
Yes, today my Show and Tell item is the Halloween costume I wore to work this year. Okay, so I wasn’t exactly Mary Katherine … but the intent was to be a Catholic school girl. A bad one, nonetheless. And no, I don’t mean the sexy Brit.ney version either.
It started off as a joke when my co-worker told me that she and her sister went to a costume party dressed as nuns. (Ha! Get it?! Sisters dressed as “Sisters”?) When we found out that there would be a costume contest at work, I jokingly said that I’d come as a Catholic school girl (with green and white saddle shoes!) and she could come in as one of my “teachers” back in my grade school days, complete with the wooden ruler for disciplinary purposes.
So we hatched a plan where we’d arrive at work at the same time and walk in together. After all … the effect wouldn’t have been the same if we came in separately.
Friday morning … I’m patiently waiting in our parking lot when my co-worker’s car pulls up behind me. One look in my rearview mirror and I’m completely cracking up … because she looked exactly like how one of my grade school teachers would look. As I literally stumble out of my car, she points up at the front of the parking lot … and there is my other co-worker dressed up as a nun as well.
As my co-worker said, “When have you ever seen a Sister without another one around? They always travel in pairs!”
Well needless to say, we had a blast playing our parts for the day. And during the competition, our “skit” included the me chewing gum and putting on inappropriately shiny lip gloss, as well as them chasing me while screaming, “Get back to class, young lady!”
After all was said and done … we won third place! And that was without the “flask” and candy cigarettes I wanted to carry around … Woo-hoo!
Don’t forget to check out the other Show and Tell blogs!
And while you’re at it … check out my latest favorite black kitty cate!
On my first Show and Tell post, I shared with you some pictures of Yami, our charming black kitty. Our favorite indoor black kitty, who was not to be mistaken with our favorite indoor senior citizen kitty, Rain. Well, I had to make that distinction because of this little one.
Meet Sabrina, our favorite outdoor black kitty.
Except Sabrina is actually our next-door neighbors kitty who loves to hang out in the bushes in front of our house.
Hubby and I call her “Sabby” for short, because she reminds us of yet another black cat, named Sabbath. Except Sabbath is actually a fictional kitty, who is part of this cool goth chick‘s kitty posse.
But going back to Sabrina. She is the most affable black cat that I’ve ever met. I think that if a person was superstitious of a black cat crossing their path, they should stay off of our street. Because, Sabby will definitely friendly enough to try to meet you (at least if she doesn’t see you as threatening).
Sabby and I are in such good terms that if she happens to see my car turning onto our street from down the street, she will literally sprint towards our house in anticipation of me pulling into our driveway. And I know that I recently garnered much respect from her when, as I sat on our porch steps to pet her, she climbed right onto my lap and snuggled.
Her “real” owners say that she’s not like this with anyone else except her “mom” and her human “sister.” I think I’ve literally become one of her “sisters.”
But my favorite Sabby story is the time that I happened to find our neighbors dog on our lawn. I went inside to grab our dog leash to snap onto our neighbor dog’s collar. And when I came out, Sabby was sitting on our porch, making sure that doggie didn’t run off again. And as I walked down the street towards doggie’s human house, I glanced to my side and saw Sabby walking right next to me. And after neighbor doggie was dropped off, Sabby and I turned around and walked down the street side by side.
So today, on Halloween, I thought I’d share Sabby with you. She is definitely my most favorite outdoor black kitty.
Okay, anybody else gettin’ funky “Word Verification” words on Bl.ogger lately?! I think over the past few days I’ve had “trashed”, “winced”, “feared” and “bloodread.” And just now? I got “dedseas.”
Just found it rather humorous.
Yep … just letting you know that the password remains the same. (Lowercase again. I think I’ll just stick to lower case from now on.) And, as always … if you’re interested in reading or can’t remember what the password is (don’t worry, I won’t bite!), feel free to comment on this post.
Well, I can’t believe the last week of October is already here. It seems like just yesterday that it was Labor Day weekend and Hubby & I were celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary.
And even though the past two months felt like they’ve flown by … when going over the blog posts I’ve written during this time period, it feels as if the end of August was a lifetime away.
Yes, I did not deal with certain events during this interval very well. And to some extent I’m still not doing so hot. But I think I’ve come to the decision that there isn’t much more I can do that would make things any better or any worse for me at this moment. As my Hubby is so fond of saying, “It is what it is.” In other words, accept it and move on.
This coming Saturday will include a family function that … I’ll be honest … I’m a little apprehensive to attend. However, I will do so only for the love of these children and for the love of family. I’m not exactly sure how the rest of the family will treat me, but I will make the effort to be on my best behavior. I have a feeling I will be full of anxiety for the duration we are there, but perhaps the little white magic pill I’ll take before heading out the door will help. Thank G*d for modern chemistry.
In addition, I’m already expecting work to be extremely busy this week. (Okay, so when is it not busy?!) The Process Improvement group I’m part of is presenting it’s results from our first session to the big-wig execs tomorrow, which means that I should find something other than jeans to wear to work. And yes, I am lucky enough to work for a company that sees the value in promoting casual work wear (which includes jeans, in our case). And I think it’s great as a Health Insurance Company, that they did this to help promote exercise, activity and overall healthy living. But crap … I haven’t worn “business-wear” in years. Not since the days of being a “stupor-visor.” Do I even fit into any of it? Somehow methinks not.
Anyway …
This past Saturday, Hubby & I spent the day in Ann Arbor doing a very typical Midwestern-y Fall Activity. Well typical for those that enjoy watching sports. We spent the day watching the annual “Battle for the State” game; the University of Michigan vs. Michigan State football game at the Big House. We were expecting it to be a very cold and wet day, but the weather gods apparently decided to be kind to us instead. Unfortunately the sports gods weren’t too kind to my team, as we lost. It was an exciting game, nonetheless.
Oh, and I just happened to snap a picture of this:
Yep, that’s right some of the University of Michigan students supporting “Oba-den” (uh-huh … I like combining words).
It’s seeing those things that remind me why I enjoyed college life so much. Those were the days where I felt I could make some sort of difference in the world. The days where I felt invincible. Not that I’m not contributing to society and making a difference in this world right now … I think I find myself more invisible these days than invincible. In any case … the picture ROCKS! And I’m so surprised that there weren’t too many “McPalin” supporters at the game; especially because I have this image of the rich, older U of M alumni being more Republican than Democratic.
Anyway (as I continue to babble), on the 40-some minute drive to Ann Arbor (and afterwards, as we were stuck in post-game traffic), Hubby and I were listening to a couple of NPR podcasts we downloaded onto our iPod. One of the podcasts came highly recommended by a co-worker/NPR-listener/friend of mine, as it was an episode of “This American Life” that broke down the current economic crisis in terms that everyday people could understand. And while searching for that episode online, Hubby found another episode aired in May of this year and was actually the predecessor to this October episode.
The Wolverine fan in me is still trying to understand how Sparty is College Football's most favorite mascot
Now, I can’t claim any prior knowledge (other than what we typically hear in the daily newscasts) on exactly why our country is in such economic turmoil. However, I can tell you this. The more I listened and learned, the more I found myself getting angrier. Seriously. Nothing says “Let’s make more money off the poor so we can get richer” like listening to some of the stories told.
And the fact that none of these financial “schemes” (for lack of better word) have been regulated?! Well … it totally pisses off the RN Case Manager in me that works for a Health Insurance company where … anything and everything (in terms of dollars and cents) is scrutinized by the government. Okay, so I totally understand that regulating health care is a matter of life and death. But really (in my humble opinion), by not regulating our financial market at all … well crap! We’re letting strangers bet on our livelihoods. And when you think about it, that’s what these financial people are doing … gambling with our lives!
Okay, I will get off my high horse for now. But again, I strongly recommend you listening to thesepodcasts. There’s a 95 cent fee to download the podcast from the website. Or you can always listen to them free directly on the site.
Oh, and while I’m on the whole NPR thing. Here’s a little tidbit I heard on the radio this evening. Apparently there is modern version of the “New Testament” coming out tomorrow that supposedly is very “pop culture”-ish. The little bit I caught talked about having images in it like Co.ca.Co.la and Gandhi. But the best part was hearing this girl say, “Can’t have a bible without Bono!”
And with that crack of lightning (from the heavens above) … I’m “Audi 5000“!