- My heart’s a-thumpin’
I have a thing for actors. That and rock stars, but that’s another story. I’m definitely more of a tall, dark and handsome type of gal, and the more interesting (and diverse) roles they play, the sexier I think they are. Which is why I have this (almost unhealthy) obsession with Joh.nny De.pp. I’ve always had a thing for him, even back in his “Elm Street” and “Jump Street” days.
Which is why it makes almost no sense that I found myself having a “crush” on Da.niel Cr.aig. Before his take as James B.ond, I have never really taken notice of him. And truth be told, I had my reservations of have a blond hair / blue-eyed man playing 007. Because to me, Pie.rce Bro.snan (even back in his “Remin.gton Ste.ele” days) was always who I visualized as the penultimate Bond. (Ask my parents though, and they’d probably say Sean Conn.ery.) But then I saw “Casino R.oyal.e” and some of it’s steamy scenes. And yeah, I blushed.
- Double Oh Sexy
So it’s no surprise that Hubby & I ran out to see the latest Bond flick. And I certainly was not disappointed. Even moreso, Hubby wasn’t disappointed either.
Okay, so that last statement sounded weird, but seriously … it was more because of the latest Bond girl, Ol.ga Kur.yle.nko. Who, I even admit, is pretty d*mn sexy. Of course, I’m sure it’s more because of the character she plays in this film. A beautiful girl with matching smart and wit about her; a girl with a mission in mind. Basically, she’s a female version of 007 but with a more shapely body.
I knew when Olga first came on the screen that Hubby thought she was attractive. Because just as I know him very well, I also know his “type.” Just like I know Jes.sica Al.ba is also his type. And just like he knows that Joh.nny De.pp is mine. Yeah … we’re that comfortable with each other. And that secure in our relationship.
And amongst everything else that seems to be in such a state of flux, it’s wonderful knowing that my relationship with Hubby is the one constant (yet ever-evolving) thing in my life.
Okay, so with that said … remember that one “Frie.nds” episode? The one with the “list” of five celebrity people that a person could sleep with without it considered cheating? If given the opportunity?
Obviously Joh.nny De.pp and Da.niel Cr.aig are on mine. Along with Dwa.yne “The R.ock” Joh.nson. And Micha.el Hu.tchence (if he were still alive, sigh …). Oh, and probably Gra.nt Hill (ex-Pist.ons, now Phx Suns basketball player). Hey … what can I say? My tastes are diverse!
And Jes.sica Al.ba and now Ol.ga Kur.yle.nko are on my Hubby’s list. Probably alongside Ang.elina J.olie and Gw.yneth Pa.ltrow. Probably Gw.en Stef.ani, too. Although really … his tastes don’t usually fall towards blonds. He’s really more about smart and sexy women than he is all about the looks.
So … now I pose the question to you … who’s on your celebrity list?
And better yet … who do you think is on your Hubby’s / S.O.’s list?
Most importantly … which one do you think is the sexier B.ond?
Okay … seriously must counteract that awful picture above …. how about this one?
Mmmm …. Oh yes. Definitely better …