When it Rains …

Last night after coming home from the hospital, Hubby & I climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep. I had strange dreams of kitty cats attacking me (they’ve been “banished” from the bedroom from Hubby for “bad behavior.” And they’ve been meowing incessantly to get into the comfy bed with me) and of waking up late and missing my Dad’s pacemaker procedure in the morning. (Can we say I’m just a little stressed?!)

At around 3 am, Hubby woke me up from a pretty deep slumber asking me for some assistance. “Huh?!,” I said groggily. What kind of help would he need at 3-frickin’ o’clock in the morning?!

“The heater’s not working,” Hubby informed me. “And I need some help looking at our furnace.” And sure enough, it was colder than Joe Louis Arena during a Red Wings game. 52 degrees, in fact (which, considering it was in the 20’s outside, is quite a bit chilly).

So after clanking around in the basement for a bit, we ended up looking up our local heating & cooling company and calling them to make a service call first thing in the morning.

Except they didn’t come until close to 10:30 am. And by then, my poor kitties and”puppy” were chilled. And Hubby & I were downright frozen to the bone … despite the fact we were bundled in as much clothing as possible.

Geesh. When it rains … it certainly pours.

On a happier note, my nephew Tyler turned twelve today. This, of course, also means that I will have been married 12 years ago this coming August. Which means it will be oh … approximately 11.5 years since we’ve been TTC. Sigh …

Regardless, I wish Tyler a HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY!

Your Uncle & Auntie Em love you “To Infinity and Beyond …. “

Oh, but I wish …

So after my post venting about elders and respect yesterday, I managed to find a little humor late, late last night.

After another long evening at the hospital without any dinner, Hubby & I went to the local Italian-American restaurant that stays open quite late on the weekends. Not the best of food, but certainly satisfied the fact that we didn’t have to (yet again) pick up fast food. Especially since we’ve typically not gotten home every night until past 10 pm after visiting Dad in the hospital.

Anyway, it appeared that we were going to be their last customers of the night. Pretty much all the tables were cleaned off and the banquet rooms closed down. However, the staff was so accommodating to us, and for that we were grateful.

The funny moment came as Hubby & I were waiting for our meal. One of the older women who worked there happened to be passing by our booth. Hubby looked up and said, “Hi!”

The older women smiled at us and said, “Oh, but I wish …”

Both of us had a puzzled look on our face until it dawned on me what she meant. Then I started giggling … which then turned in to a full-blown guffaw.

How much that moment meant to me at that time, I’m sure this older woman will never know … but I totally needed that laugh at that exact moment.

30-second Infertility

I was driving home from work today when I heard this commercial on the local radio station.

It was about a husband and wife struggling to “create their family.” How they went to RinkyDink Hospital and tried so many unsuccessful rounds of IUI’s with no success. And then when they were “just about to give up hope,” they heard about the success that BigCity Hospital had with infertility. A year and one round of IVF later, they were ecstatically happy with their infant twins.

The commercial made infertility seem so easy.

It’s just too bad that the years of heartache and heartbreak that come with infertility can’t be packaged neatly into 30-second radio spot.

Grr …

I never did get a call from my co-worker about finding a way to turn off the heat and electricity in our office building …

But we did get the snow (even though it wasn’t the whole 6-12 inches they predicted). And I still had to get by crabby “ga-dunk-a-dunk” out of bed to get to work.

Apparently my “Snow Dance” didn’t work last night. Perhaps I should have done it without my pajamas on?! Na …

Snow Day

Apparently the southeastern portion of Michigan is supposed to be slammed with a major winter storm tonight. It’s supposed to start around midnight and last until 7 pm tomorrow night. It’s about 7:30 pm and as I look outside the window, there’s not a snowflake to be seen.

What gets me is that I wish this storm could have happened on Sunday night for Monday. This year, it seems like Mother Nature gets her kicks in sending a wintery blast our way just before or right on the weekend. I just wish for once that a storm would happen during the first half of the week so that I could have a work “snow day.”

Remember snow days in school? It was so exciting to stay up the night before hoping and praying that it would snow enough so that they would cancel school. I do recall doing the “Snow Dance” with my brother in the middle of our living room to help bring on a storm. And then we’d wake up earlier than normal just so we could turn on the TV to see if our school was listed on the morning newscast as being closed. There was only a handful of times we were disappointed to see that the surrounding school districts were closed except for us … but the majority of the time we were rewarded with the day off.

I miss those days. I miss that feeling of elation when you are rewarded an unexpected day off. And as a child, it wasn’t your responsibility to figure out how to “make the time up.” We just relied on our teachers to rearrange their lesson plans in order to fit everything that was needed.

But now, we’re the ones that have to be responsible. We have to find a way to adjust our schedules so that we can take time off from work, whether it’s planned or unplanned. We have to be ADULTS (gasp!) …

So as I left work for the day, the child in me turned and whispered to my co-worker, “If anyone finds a way to shut down the power and heat to this building, let me know. I’m all for a snow day!”

Alright, I am off now to climb into my jammies and do the “Snow Dance” …