Oh yeah … Day # 6 and I’m already stretching the dregs of creativity.
Okay, so I do have a few posts in the work but I just haven’t had time to sit down and write them “properly.” After all … I am quite the deliberative person.
So. What to talk about today? How about how I went to pick up my parents at the airport this afternoon? Except I wasn’t quite sure what time I was supposed to be there until about, oh … let’s say 1o am this morning?
Yeah. So when I went to their house to drop them OFF at the airport at the beginning of their trip … in typical Filipino fashion, my parents (well, actually my Mom) was running behind and rushing around. She left me what she thought would be their flight itinerary, but in reality … all the paper had was a list of where they would be on a day-to-day basis. Nope. No flight info anywhere.
Of course I didn’t realize this until after the had already been gone for a few days. And of course there was no way to get a hold of them, as part of their international trip included cruising the Greek Isles. And why would they think of calling me just to make sure they were okay? (Hello?! Dad with a history of a heart attack and open heart surgery within the past year … in a foreign country?!)
But … at least I knew what day they were scheduled to come back home. And what airline they were using. AND which airport they were flying in from. So, “Encyclopedia Emily” decided to go to the airline website and figure out which flights were coming into Detroit from the airport they were flying out from. And my excellent deductive skills narrowed it down to three different times.
Problem was, that they were all about 2-3 hours apart in time. So I could’ve showed up at the firsttime and possibly have had to wait until they showed up (which could be as long as 6 hours … can you imagine that?!) OR I could hope to G*d that they would call me before their flight takes off.
Lucky me, the latter happened. Which is good, because there’s nothing to do and no place to just hang out around our airport. And I wasn’t about to pay whatever huge amount it would be to just park my car in the lot. AND, well … I didn’t bring anything to do (read: knitting) if I had to wait around.
Okay. So that was a lame story. I promise a better one this weekend.
But maybe not tomorrow, because I’ve got my youngest cousin’s wedding … oops, I mean cotillion-slash-18th birthday party to attend.
I am overwhelmed with emotion today; brimming with excitement and hope. And all because of the results of yesterday’s Presidential Election.
I know I said that I wouldn’t let people know who I voted for simply because I felt my vote was confidential. Well, today I’m breaking from that thought. And it’s all because of how historic this moment in time is.
Let me start off by saying that regardless of who would have won this election, today … or rather last night … it would have been a historic moment. Whether it was an African-American president or a Woman Vice-President, it would have been a first for these United States.
However, being the liberal person that I’ve always been, I believe that my faithful readers would have realized who I voted for, even though I never said it “out loud.” But here it goes: I am proud to say that I voted for Barrack Obama. I am proud that I voted for a person who, amongst the two candidates, best aligned with my beliefs. I am proud that this is a person who was more attuned to the needs of my generation. You know … the generation that, in it’s current state, won’t be able to afford to retire, won’t get any social security, and won’t have any health insurance. The same person who believes that people have the right to choose.
But Obama being elected isn’t the main reason I’m feeling this incredible pride for this country. Today, I am proud to call myself American … not because terrorists invaded our soil and we survived (although, I am proud of that) … but because we, as a nation, have made one ginormous step towards breaking down stereotypes and races. And we have once again, instilled a sense of hope for our nation; that we can overcome any type of adversity to achieve change.
I know I posted this before ... but I just love this pic!
I wonder if this feeling of hope and excitement was how women other African-American’s felt when they were first granted the right to vote. That feeling of being able to make a difference. To be able to make free choices. If this is how it felt like back during that time period, then I now know why those events were emphasized so much in History classes. Because just like it was during those times, right now … at this moment, we are ready for change. ANY change.
Oh, I’m not that naive to think that by voting an African-American man into the highest executive position in our country is going to change people’s opinions and views of an entire minority race. G*d knows that it was well after women were given the right to vote when (back in 1984) an entire political party felt that a woman would be “strong” enough to carry the Vice-Presidential ticket. And to this day, there are still many discrepancies to be found in promoting equality within a work place.
But the fact of the matter is that yesterday … we, as a country, opened that door; the door which allows our children (or in most of my reader’s cases, nieces or nephews) to know that any dream is possible …
So I survived yet another teeth-cleaning without any major catastrophes. Thank goodness. And no, my dental hygienist didn’t have to dig out any candy bit between my teeth, but she did manage to find a grape peel back there.
Heh … at least it was a fruit.
Every time I go to for my routine dental appointment, I get the standard lecture. “You need to floss more often.” “Make sure you don’t drink too much acid-y drinks.” Oh, and “You’re using a soft toothbrush, right?”
Tootsie the Tooth Fairy Troll
The soft toothbrush was suggested a couple years ago because apparently my gums are quite “sensitive.” In other words, if I flossed more consistently, maybe they wouldn’t bleed so d*mn much. So usually I’m good about flossing for the first month or so after a trip to the dentist, but then I relapse. Fall off the Floss Wagon.
This time around though, I got a concerned look when she asked the “soft toothbrush” question. After responding yes, my hygienist tells me that I probably should start using an “ultra soft” one. First of all, never knew that they made one. And second of all, uh … why?
Well, apparently I’m brushing my teeth and gums too hard. To the point where my gums are receding too much. And where apparently I’m supposed to be feeling sensitive to hot or cold foods.
Except I’m not. Feeling sensitive spots, that is. Nor do I realize that I’m brushing my teeth and gums that hard either. Somehow, methinks that over the past six months, I’ve been taking some of my recent stress out on my mouth.
Okay, so enough about teeth.
It’s a beautiful day outside today. Perfect voting weather for Election Day. Yes, I know that sounds strange, but studies show that when the weather is nice more people are apt to go out and vote. And when the weather is bad (rainy and cold), there are many people that don’t want to go out and vote.
So yes, voting was our first order of business today. And I did wear the shirt I should have worn at work yesterday. Surprisingly, the exit-poll person ignored me. Heh.
And after running a few more errands (including the trip to the dentist), it’s time for me to chillax. Oh, and do laundry. And snuggle with the furbabies ….
Maybe that will help me from reducing the stress I obviously take out on my teeth.
Okay, so I’m going out on a limb here. Seeing that I have now consistently written just about every day (sans a day here and there) for the past three weeks, I’ve decided to make another attempt at posting more consistently.
I may live to regret this, but I think I’m going to attempt NaBloPoMo. I personally blame Becky from Mommy Wants Vodka (just kidding, Becky … ) for inspiring me to do this. She’s doing it, so I decided to try it too. Of course, she’s also more a consistent poster than I am, so we’ll see how well I do.
So what to talk about today (which, I guess is technically Day 3)? Perhaps how I should have been wearing this t-shirt today at work? Hmm, for those of you that questioned who I was planning on voting for from this post … I guess you probably can figure it out now. Well, at least I still have tomorrow to wear that shirt. Wonder what the Exit-Poll people would do if they approached me.
Or I could talk about how I need to remember not to schedule my dental cleaning four days after Halloween again. What. Was. I. Thinking?! Seriously … I’m a little afraid for my poor hygienist, who might be finding some “Bit O’Honey” or bite-size “Snickers” bits in the back. Poor, poor girl.
Or I could talk about how this evening I watched “Duran Duran: Live from Wembley“on VH1 Classic Concerts. (And yes, Kara … was totally thinking of you.) It made me regret not going to see them in concert for that tour. Because, is it me? Or did Simon Le Bon’s voice get better and stronger with age? Or did technology advance that much since watching the “Arena” concert?
Oh, I know. I’ll talk about how easy it is to get suckered into taking stupid online quizzes. I must confess, that one time ( … at band camp … ) I must have spent an evening just taking quizzes. For me, it usually starts off by reading about someone else’s quiz.
In this case, it was another friend‘s blog who took a quiz on what she should be when she grows up. Of course then I wanted to find out for myself (because I still haven’t figured it out … ). And once I finished that quiz, I saw another one I wanted to take. And another one. And yet another one. I swear … I must have taken about 5 of them. But this one was the one that made me stop:
I mean, seriously? “Pretty, but soon dead”?! Kinda a little freaky, don’t you think? And to think, that Fall is my absolute favorite season. Hmm … I might need to rethink that.
Okay, babbling enough. Guess I need to save some of this babble and spread it out over the next month …